Who is Going to Read Your Dental Practice Blog?

While some may tout blogs as obsolete, we still believe a well-written and informative dental practice blog is a great way to build thought leadership in your local community. After all, you are a community health care expert. But do you communicate like one?

For most offices out there, a dental practice blog should serve two purposes.  Primarily, a practice blog should complement your existing dental practice website. By consistently feeding fresh and relevant information through your blog, you are constantly updating practice website content – a somewhat considerable factor in gaining search engine visibility. That same dental blog information is also indexed by the search engines, also lending toward building your online practice visibility. Furthermore, all of this information you are sharing with the world (and your local community) also positions you – or your practice – as a community thought leader in dental health.

Secondly, a professionally written dental blog should act as the content engine of an effective and engaging dental practice social media campaign. Signing up for a blog is easy, and free for the most part. Writing interesting, informative, and engaging blog posts encouraging sharing of the info is another story. But, the good news is you really can’t do any harm. The key point is to remember to keep things interesting, informative, and engaging. Communicate dental health news, practice news, technology updates, staffing changes, or charitable events…the possibilities are virtually endless, it just takes some imagination from time to time. Your dental practice blog is the content engine for your social media profiles, and it’s very easy to connect your practice blog with your Facebook and Twitter dental practice social media profiles. You write the blog, post it, and boom – your dental blog is now syndicated across practice social media environments. This all leads to increased online practice visibility, enhanced website content management, and the beginnings of an online thought leadership dental practice reputation.

Your dental practice blog (and social media presence) is simply an extension of new and existing patient communications…when your patients aren’t sitting in your chair.

Don’t let fear stand in your way, get your dental practice blog started today!

If you don’t act as the local dental health community thought leader, someone else will. When your neighbors search for a dentist online, wouldn’t you rather it be your practice that’s considered the thought leader?